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Student Library Assistant Training Guide: Customer services

Student Library Assistant Training Guide

What do we expect from you ?

  1. Be punctual. Always be on time for your shift. Minimize absences. If unable to work, find a substitute to cover your shift and inform (call or email) the Library Assistants/Circulation Supervisor.
  2. Minimize your stay at the circulation desk, unless instructed otherwise by the library staff. Shelving and shelf-reading to be treated at top priority.
  3. Do your routine. Log in/Log-out. Attend to the printer and photocopier upon arrival and before finishing your dutyAdd paper, check staplers, clear paper jams, change the toner, and show clients how to use the printers, scanners and photocopier if required. Tidy up the desk at the end of your shift.
  4. Pick up and tidy items left on tables, the newspaper stands and magazine racks, etc.

Books left on tables: bring to desk and check to make sure they aren’t checked out. Walk around, push back chairs & check for lost & found items. Do a quick check of the other rows, putting away loose books, journals, "Check-in"  , and than check-out on in-house patron account.

  1. Shelve books upon arrival; shelve books also half an hour before finishing duty (evening shifts may need to shelve more often). When shelving, check the desk often to see if your help is required. Conversely, if you are at the desk and you require help, ask for help from another Student Assistant.
  2. Provide positive Customer Service. . Smiling, courteous words like “please”, “Thank you” etc…)
  3. Provide circulation desk/customer service, always ask to see proper identification like IDs or course schedule), study rooms, equipment etc. When renewing library materials, as much as possible tell them to do it online and before the due date. Be aware of Faculty materials, (has a blue dot w/ course code instead of call numbers) only faculty/staff can check these out & leave the faculty materials for shelving with the Library Assistants.
  4.  Do not check out currently displayed journals. Pay attention to messages/notes on KOHA.
  5. Study rooms cannot be renewed & requires at least 3 students for checking out especially if the library is busy. If in doubt always consult the library assistants first.
  6. Wear your Pins. 
  7. Shelf read your assigned rows. Take note of the decimals while doing the shelf reading. Align the books on the shelves (not 2-3 inches away from the edge), organize/arrange your assigned row as needed, replace book ends & shift tight areas. Remember to update your progress on the shelf reading form on the bulletin board.
  8. Answer the phone “AUD Library, (this is___), how may I help you?” If you have clients at the desk, inquire to see what the phone client needs. You may need to take their phone number and ring them back.
  9. Record the statistics – for reference questions and usage (head count & lab count)
  10. Help keep the proper study atmosphere by adhering to the “Student Behavior Policy”,
  11. Answer questions for information to the best of your ability. Refer students, faculty and staff to the Librarians for questions that you are unable to answer easily. 
  12. Complete assigned tasks/projects



Student Behaviour

We rely on student assistants to keep the library organized and assist us when we are short-staffed or busy that is why its so important to pay attention to the following library rules:

  • Loud talking is disturbing to others. Please use a study room or the cafeteria for loud discussions;
  • Rowdy or destructive behavior is not acceptable behavior and the student/s will be asked to leave;
  • Talking loudly on a mobile phone, loud computer, or other noisy devices is disturbing to others; please keep the volume low;
  • Mobile phone ringers MUST be turned off when entering the library to not disturb other students, faculty, and staff in the library;
  • No sitting on furniture in an improper manner;
  • To create a clean atmosphere conducive to studying, please clean up your papers, water bottles, garbage, etc. when leaving the library;
  • So other students, faculty and staff know when a table or room is available for use, please do not leave unattended books, computers, etc. in these areas. They may be removed by library staff if found and not one is using the table or room at the time;
  • Only bottles water or covered drinks are allowed in the library. All food and open drinks must be disposed of before entering the library.
  • In most cases, it is sufficient to firmly, but politely, ask the student to pay attention to the “Student Behavior Policy.” If a student fails to abide by these rules and/or must be told a second or third time to stop the disruptive behavior, the student/s will be asked to leave the library.

Library Code of Conduct

All library users should abide by these rules:

  • Read and abide by the Library rules, regulations, and policies.
  • Follow the directions or instructions of the Library staff.
  • Always carry your AUD ID card to the Library.
  • Treat fellow library users and staff with politeness and respect.
  • Keep the noise down and mobiles silent in all areas of the Library.
  • Answer mobile calls outside the library.
  • Use headphones on any device that produces sound.
  • Do not reserve seats; Library staff will remove the items.
  • Do not reshelve books; Library staff will assist.
  • Take good care of library equipment, furniture, and facilities.
  • ONLY beverages in securely covered containers allowed.
  • No food allowed in the Library.
  • No smoking allowed in the Library.
  • Help keep the Library clean and tidy by using bins and recycling facilities.
  • Do not photograph, videotape, record, or film in the Library without permission.
  • Do not leave your belongings unattended at any time for more than 15 minutes. 
  • Leave the Library immediately if the fire alarm sounds.