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Copyright & Fair Use in the Classroom

This guide is intended to help faculty navigate the use and reproduction of copyright protected works in the classroom and on online course platforms.


Use of copyright materials that fall outside fair use, requires permission


  • Acknowledging the source of the copyrighted material does not substitute for obtaining permission.

  • Permission is usually granted at a cost. Faculty members will need to consult with their department heads to ensure a budget is available to cover permission costs. 

  • If you cannot secure permission from the copyright owner, use resource within fair use parameters.


Permission may come directly from the copyright owner, representative agent, or a copyright clearinghouse. 


  • Identify the copyright owner.
  • A collective rights clearance agency may facilitate permission for the use and reproduction of books and articles for teaching and research purposes (Copyright Clearance Center
  • If permission is unavailable through a clearance agency, search the  publisher’s website or the Web for contact details and request permission directly from copyright owner.
  • Document the process and keep a copy of all correspondences.