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Copyright & Fair Use in the Classroom

This guide is intended to help faculty navigate the use and reproduction of copyright protected works in the classroom and on online course platforms.


Students should purchase or obtain their own copy of an adopted textbook. Should there be a shortage of copies, contact the library to arrange for a "faculty copy" of the textbook to be placed on reserve until the campus bookshop replenishes its stock. Should you wish to use an alternative copyrighted textbook for supplementary readings, contact the library to ensure a copy can be purchased to be placed on reserve.


Compiling a coursepackThe Library can assist you with obtaining permission through a copyright clearance agency. Costs vary for this service and should be covered by the relevant department.


Faculty are responsible for ensuring that all documents submitted to a printing center for the compilation of a coursepack have the necessary permissions. 


Please note that permission is likely not available for certain materials, including copyrighted textbook materials and electronic resources from the Library. These are normally not licensed for inclusion in a coursepack. 

Note the following: 

  • Options may include clearance for posting on a course content management platform, inclusion in a coursepack, or making multiple copies.
  • Clearance is issued for a limited period of time.
  • Fees for copyright clearance should be budgeted and managed by the relevant academic department.