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The Writing Center

Resource guide for the Writing Center.

Writing Center


The Writing Center 

The Writing Center delivered ON CAMPUS in C418 and Virtually on TEAMS is now open

from September 11-December 15

I am happy to announce that the Writing Center is now open this semester on campus and via Teams (see the link below) to assist students with any writing or reading project. All tutoring sessions are conducted by qualified English faculty. While tutors do not provide editing or proofreading services, they will help students with issues such as how to develop a thesis, how to most effectively organize a paper, how to integrate supporting evidence and avoid plagiarism, how to recognize and solve grammatical and ESL errors, and how to make the most of the writing process. 

Attached is a referral form. If a student needs more than a verbal suggestion to seek help with their writing, please fill out the referral form and ask the student to bring it to the Writing Center.    

Also, the Writing Center will still be offering help to faculty working on classroom materials this semester.  If you need to brainstorm how to incorporate a writing assignment into your classroom, or you have written one and want to make sure that it will be clear to students and produce the right kind of finished product, you are welcome to come to The Writing Center for assistance. We also offer faculty working on their own writing projects the same consultation services we provide to students. If you would like to make use of these services simply add yourself to the Writing Center on TEAMs (or, alternatively, send me an email requesting that I add you as a member. After becoming a member, click on this link for both faculty and students to make an appointment:

AUD Writing Center


Fall 2023 hours are also listed below:



(all students are automatically members on TEAMS)


12:00-2:00 pm.


12:00-4:00 pm.


12:00-4:00 pm.


12:00-4:00 pm.


10:00-11 am.-3:00-4:00 pm.

*ESL specialist available

If you have any questions, concerns or requests, please reply.

Best Wishes,

Gail Hammill, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of English and Coordinator of the Writing Center