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The Writing Center

Resource guide for the Writing Center.

Steps for Students

Planning your Writing Center Session


Step 1: Make the decision to get help with your reading and writing.

Step 2: Decide which tutoring time fits with your schedule and make a commitment to yourself to go to the Writing Center.  You may need more than one session, so plan accordingly.  

Step 3: Arrive at the Writing Center with your assignment sheet, readings, and or drafts.   There is no judgment or expectations about what you bring to the Writing Center.   Most students go to the Writing Center to get help with a particular assignment, but if you want help improving your overall writing or reading skills, the Writing Center is also the place for you.  

Step 4: Understand that the tutors will not edit your writing.  The tutors will make suggestions about how you can improve your writing overall, as they help you improve a particular assignment. 

Step 5: Come to the Writing Center with a reasonable goal in mind, such as understanding a reading, understanding a writing assignment, transitions or thesis.  Know that everything cannot be accomplished in one session.  Return as many times as you want!

Step 6: Speak, listen, and take notes during the session 

Step 7: Leave feeling more confident about your writing!