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AUD Library Thesis Formatting Assistance

Templates and resources for preparing and submitting a thesis for MCSM

Depositing your Thesis

The Library will archive a single, bound print and an electronic version (.pdf) of the final and corrected submission of your thesis.


1. Submit a bound print copy to the Library
  • A bound print copy of a thesis will be cataloged on receipt and housed in the library’s Special Collections.
  • Access is restricted to in-library use.
  • In addition to being cataloged and discoverable on the library’s catalog, a description and an abstract of the thesis will be posted on the library's digital repository. 
2. Access to full-text will be determined by signed agreement and in consultation with your graduate advisor.
  • Open access of electronic copy of thesis

If you choose the open access option - in addition to being cataloged and discoverable on the library catalog, a description, abstract and the full-text of your thesis will be uploaded and available on the library's digital repository to the public. 

  • Restricted access of electronic copy of thesis

You may restrict access to the full-text of your thesis indefinitely. Your thesis will be cataloged and discoverable on the library’s catalog, and a description and abstract of the thesis will be posted on the library's digital repository.