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Advising and Academic Support


Academic Advising FAQs 

Is the W grade counted in my Cumulative GPA? 

No. The W grade will not be computed in your CGPA, but it will be calculated in the Satisfactory Academic Progress. Also note that the W grade will always show in your transcript. 


What is Good Academic Standing? 

All students must maintain good academic standing in order to remain enrolled at the university. Good academic Standing is determined by measuring the student’s cumulative grade point average (CGPA). Students are expected to meet minimum CGPA requirements in order to be considered making satisfactory academic progress. Undergraduate students are required to maintain a minimum CGPA of 2.0 throughout their enrollment. 


I have registered online, but the courses I chose are still not showing on my schedule. May I know why? 

This happens because you selected the courses you need to register online, but you did not finalize the registration process properly. Therefore, please check the online registration tutorial in this booklet before registering, and make sure to print your schedule through this link: ( 


How do I know who my Academic Advisor is? 

You may know who your advisor is by referring to the Student Portal, or by visiting the Academic Advising Center.  

What shall I do if I want to register for more than 15 credits*? 

Overloading courses should be approved by your advisor. Registering for more than 15 credits is done at the Registrar’s Portal. *Some exceptions may be applicable depending on the Major. For example, Architecture students are expected to take 18 credits in one semester and a course overload request is not required.  


Do I need my advisor’s approval to change my Major? 

For changing your Program or Major, the respective Advisor, Dean, Associate Dean or Chair approval is required. The Engineering Program requires the Dean’s and the Admissions Office’s approval. 

How many times am I allowed to repeat the same course and/or Withdraw from it? 

Students have a total of three attempts to complete a course. Failing and/or withdrawing from a required course (including noncredit courses) three times will be grounds for dismissal. When a student registers for a course the third time, he/she may only do so subject to the conditions set by the appropriate Dean, Associate Dean or Chair. 


Can I have two Majors? 

Yes. By meeting the course requirements for each of the Majors, you can complete a double Major. Students should consult the Office of the Registrar or Advising Centre about the procedure for declaring a second Major. 


What is a Minor? Do I have to have one? 

Students may choose to have a minor. A minor is a secondary field of study requiring at least 15 credit hours in the field. Specific course requirements for minors are listed under the programs in each school. Students should consult the Academic Advisor about the procedure for declaring a minor. 


 Q. What are the different minors available at AUD? 

-Minors in the School of Business (6 minors) Open to all students: 

Minor in Advertising and Integrated Marketing communication. 

Minor in Accounting 

Minor in Economics 

Minor in Finance 

Minor in Management 

Minor in Marketing 
-Minors in the School of Arts, and Sciences (9 minors): 

Minor in Health Studies 

Minor in History 

Minor in Humanities 

Minor in Literature 

Minor in Middle Eastern Studies 

Minor in Politics 

Minor in Psychology 

Minor in Social Science 

Minor in Mathematics 
-Minors in the School of Engineering (5 minors) 

Minor in Environmental Engineering 

Minor in Structural Engineering 

Minor in Computer Science  

Minor in Artificial Intelligence 

Minor in Mechatronics 
-Minors in the School of Architecture, Art and Design (7 minors): 

Minor in Visual Communication 

Minor in Digital Media*  

Minor in Advertising* (Open to VC only)  

Minor in Graphic Design* (Open to VC only) 

Minor in Studio Art* (Open to VC only) 

Minor in Interior Design 

Minor in Architecture 
-Minors in The Mohammed Bin Rashid School for Communication (3 minors): 

Minor in Communication 

Minor in Journalism* (Open to Digital Production and Storytelling (DPST) and Visual Communication (VC) majors only)Minor in Digital Production and Storytelling* (Open to Journalism (JOUR) and Visual Communication (VC) majors only) 
There are several Minors available to students at AUD. The minor consists of a minimum of 15 credit hours of coursework beyond the requirements of the major and is intended to broaden the student’s knowledge beyond the immediate field of study. Depending on your program or major may determine what minor you are eligible to take. For example: a Minor in Journalism is open for Students within the Digital Production and Storytelling (DPST) and Visual Communication (VC) majors only. Students planning to declare a minor are required to complete the Minor Declaration Form available online: More information can be found the in Undergraduate Catalog: 
Kindly reach out to your Academic Advisor for further support. 
Q. I want to Minor in a specific Major, Am I required to complete all the prerequisites of the Minor course requirements? 
Any student who wishes to take a Minor is required to complete any prerequisite course requirements to fulfill any Minor courses. Minors may be counted as additional credits beyond a student’s degree completion requirements. 
Q. Where can I find the list of Arts and Science Elective courses? 
All Arts and Science Electives can be found in the Academic Support Page through the AUD Library: 
Q. Where can I find a copy of my program course plan?  
All Program and majors course plans can be found in the Academic Support Page through the AUD Library: 
Q. What does Advising for Registration mean? 

Prior to the beginning of each semester, all AUD students are required to meet with their assigned Academic Advisor in order to review the status of their degree progress, to discuss university policies and departmental requirements, and to select courses for the upcoming semester. Students may not register for their courses until they have met/communicated with their Academic Advisor.  

Q. Where can I find the Advising & Registration Schedule? (important dates and deadlines)? 
The Advising & Registration schedule can be found in the AUD Website: 

Q. Where can I find the Academic Calendar? 

The AUD Academic Calendar can be found in the AUD Website: 
Q. Where can I find the course schedule (course availability, dates and times) to plan my schedule for the next semester? 
The course schedule can be found in the AUD Website: Under the “Course Schedule & Registration Deadlines” page, select the Undergraduate semester/ term you would like to view the course schedule to plan your next schedule. 
Q. Am I required to take the public speaking course (PSPK101)? 
Yes, All AUD Students from all programs/ majors are required to complete the public speaking course (PSPK101). 
Q. It is my second year here at AUD. I am a Sophomore, why don’t I have enough credits to register for my courses? 

The registration is based on a student’s Earned Credits. It does not include a student’s Current Credits or time spent within the university. 
Q. Where can I get further support with my courses? 
There are several resources available to support students with their courses; Math Tutoring Center, the Writing Center, and the individualized peer tutoring, further details can be found in the Academic Support Page: 


Q. What is a prerequisite course? 
A prerequisite course is a course or requirement that must be met in order to register for another course. For example: ENGL101 is a prerequisite for ENGL102. Students are required to complete ENGL101 in order to take ENGL102. 
Q. What is a corequisite course? 
A corequisite is a course that you can take at the same time as another course. For example: SCIE201 has a co-requisite of ENGL101. This means students who wish to take SCIE201 should also take ENGL101 (or have completed ENGL101). 
Q. Where can I find my class/ course room number? 
The class/ course room numbers can be found in your student schedule: 


Q. What is CGPA (Cumulative Grade Point Average) < 2.0 ? And what does it entail? 

Undergraduate students are required to maintain a minimum CGPA of 2.0 throughout their enrollment in order to be in good academic standing.  

A student’s CGPA will be reviewed at the end of each academic term after grades have been posted to determine whether the student is in a good academic standing  or not based on his calculated CGPA .  

  • If a student’s CGPA is below 2.0, the student will be placed on Academic Warning.  

  • At the end of the next academic term, the student is removed from Academic Warning and returned to good academic standing if he or she achieves a CGPA of 2.0 or higher.  

  •  If at the end of the next academic term, immediately following placement on Academic Warning, the student’s CGPA remains below 2.0, he or she will be placed on Academic Probation.  

  • Once a student is placed on Academic Probation, he or she has one academic term to achieve good academic standing. A student who, at the end of one academic term on Academic Probation, raises his or her CGPA to 2.0 or higher is removed from Academic Probation and returned to good academic standing.  

  • Students are notified of placement on Academic Warning and Academic Probation in writing. 

Q. What is a Developmental course, and what is its passing grade, and is it included in the degree credits/CGPA of the student? 

A Developmental course (ENGL100, MATH90, 95,103 or 104, & UNIV100) is determined by the exam scores or placements tests results of a First-year incoming student. Developmental course is a Pass or Fail course, with the minimum passing grade of a C [70%]. Developmental courses do not carry university degree credits and do not impact a student’s CGPA.