After saving references using the Mendeley Web Importer, remember to click the sync button in your Mendeley Desktop.
Also, after working in the desktop make sure you click the sync button so that you can see all of those changes the next time you open Mendeley web.
Tips for if you have documents already on your computer or a library in another citation manager that you want to add to Mendeley.
Mendeley can find citations that you may have unknowingly uploaded twice and merge them.
How to merge two citations if you know they're the same but Mendeley isn't finding them automatically.
A few tips for annotating PDFs on Mendeley Desktop.
After installing the Mendeley Web Importer to your preferred browser, you should see a Mendeley icon somewhere in the top menu bar of your browser window. If you hover your mouse over it, you should see the text "Import to Mendeley."
To import citations to Mendeley from the web or a database: