“A morning daily newspaper published in New York City has long been considered one of the world's most trusted news sources and one of the world’s great newspapers. Its strength is in its editorial excellence.”
Users must create a personal account to access this resource. To create an account: 1. go to NYTimes.com/DigitalPass (from on-campus) or nytimes.com/passes (from off-campus), 2. create a free account using your AUD email address 3. Access NYTimes.com or the NYTimes app from anywhere. Users will need to renew their passes annually by following these steps.
Press Reader contains 1700 newspapers and magazines from 92 countries in 48 languages. A convenient way to read all your favorite newspapers and magazines on the day they are published, on one site, with a simple user interface and easy-to-use navigation tools. Use your tablet/iPad to download, read and browse newspapers and magazines.
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Encyclopaedia Britannica Online Academic Edition, containing over 73,000 articles, is a comprehensive, convenient, and accurate resource from which one can begin his or her research. Several bonus features are included in this online reference tool: Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary and Thesaurus; thousands of photographs, illustrations, and sound files; complementary Web site hot links; hundreds of relevant videos; hot links from Encyclopaedia Britannica articles to related magazine and journal articles from EBSCO and ProQuest online databases; World Data containing information and customizable charts and tables about nations of the world; over 4,000 Notable Quotations from historical and contemporary important men and women; and Gateway to the Classics, 225 works by 140 significant writers of the Western world.