Knovel content includes interactive Books , process and design information, best practice insights, interactive graphs and tables, material and substance properties data, and equations and formulations for specific industries and engineering disciplines. Our subscription does not include all of the titles in Knovel; if there is a padlock icon next to a title, that means we do not have access to that e-book or article in Knovel.
Knovel content includes interactive Books , process and design information, best practice insights, interactive graphs and tables, material and substance properties data, and equations and formulations for specific industries and engineering disciplines. Our subscription does not include all of the titles in Knovel; if there is a padlock icon next to a title, that means we do not have access to that e-book or article in Knovel.
AccessScience is an authoritative and dynamic online resource that covers all major scientific disciplines. An award-winning gateway to scientific knowledge.
AccessScience is an authoritative and dynamic online resource that covers all major scientific disciplines. An award-winning gateway to scientific knowledge.